
Underfloor Heating in Russia to Combat Winter Extremes


Underfloor heating or подогрев пола in Russia has slowly become a popular method for its efficiency and even heat distribution. The location of the device is underneath the floor, which suits the name given. Do you know how cold is Russia? This country is known for its harsh winters. During that time, the temperature could drop to extreme lows.


  • 1 Underfloor heating in Russia and its importance

  • 2 Underfloor Heating in Russia is a Vital Component of Surviving in Winter

  • 3 Underfloor Heating in Russia and Its Benefits for Russian Homes

  • 4 Getting Underfloor Heating in Russia?

Underfloor heating in Russia and its importance

For countries that have extreme seasons, home comfort is not a casual choice, it’s a necessity. Without proper heating, the inhabitant could face health problems. In the country’s vast range of winter conditions, indoor temperature is the top of crucial things.

Unfortunately, traditional heating systems, such as conventional radiators, could leave cold spots. This is problematic if coincidentally the cold spot is the bedroom where people spend the longest time in a day. Resting means recharging energy so the bedroom environment must be ideal. The heat produced by the underfloor heating is even with constant density, providing a calm and comfortable bedtime.

In this country, comfort and a way to fight the cold are important due to the country’s extreme season. The factors that make this country extremely extreme are the vast landmass and the high latitudes.

Summer and winter are drastically opposite which means that both cold and hot seasons are very uncomfortable. In the western regions, winters are the common ones, meanwhile, in the eastern regions, the winters are much harsher. Arctic winds blow freely in this area due to the absence of protective topographical features. With the fast-shifting between summer and winter, it left just two seasons across.

Underfloor Heating in Russia is a Vital Component of Surviving in Winter

Below-freezing is common in cold regions. Although it happens so many times, the citizens can’t survive without aid from the tools or devices. Humans can adapt, but the extreme seasons are so harsh that the human body can’t handle them. Some symptoms show such as skin irritation, bleeding, hard to breathe, etc.

The colder it gets, the more severe those symptoms will be. The beauty of snow-covered area pictures on the internet doesn’t reflect the reality that the citizens struggle to fight the cold. The pictures are beautiful to look at but it’s hard to be in a place with snow cover all over the surface.

Russian households usually rely on central heating to keep warm. However, this system has its own schedule (made by the housing companies). Sometimes the schedule does not meet the necessary. When the weather is hot, the system is also at high temperatures, and when the weather is below freezing, the system does not give enough heat. Because of this uncomfortable situation, many households have backup systems that the homeowners can adjust by themselves.

Some homeowners turn their heads to underfloor heating in Russia which helps to keep them warm during harsh winters. Among the other heaters, this one has a speciality. Since it is buried in the floor, we can say that this is invisible. This doesn’t disturb the layout or the interior design.

Underfloor Heating in Russia and Its Benefits for Russian Homes

The primary work of this device is to maintain warmth and comfort. However, conventional heaters often leave a cold spot. In a place with light cold, this might not be a problem, meanwhile, in a country with harsh winter, it could be hazardous. The device that heats the room from underneath can distribute the warmth more evenly. The fluctuation of the indoor temperature will be stable and comfortable for extreme seasons.

The following benefit is that the system is compatible with various flooring materials. Homeowners are usually confused and worried about this thing because they don’t want the device to be incompatible with the floor.

The homeowners can have their preference on the floor while getting the heating efficiency, not sacrificing anything. It will definitely match. The homeowners can have their preference on the floor at once getting the heating efficiency, not sacrificing anything.

The next benefit is that the inhabitants do not need to wear additional clothing layers while they’re inside the building. The heat can be set to what the homeowners want, so there is no need to wear extra clothes that often make them uncomfortable. It helps save more energy by not having to wash too many dirty clothes.

Getting Underfloor Heating in Russia?

Getting a new system is a big decision. But, this kind of system is one of the best choices. As heating is a practical necessity and the absence can cause discomfort even a health issue, shifting to a system with high efficiency and more even heat is reasonable. Legom will fully support the supply of the underfloor heating or подогрев пола components in Russia. We provide the best components with the best materials but at competitive prices.

We always adopt the latest technology, which keeps our company leading in terms of innovation. We’ve distributed our products to more than 90 countries, and over 400 partners work with us. Get your chance to work with Legom, the best provider of underfloor heating in Russia.


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